According to the degree of stability, all bank liabilities are divided into groups

Current liabilities ("hot money") - means that can be withdrawn without notice and are sensitive to changes in market interest rates. This is - inter-bank loans to non-fixed maturity, the loan "overnight" (recorded at time "until one day"). Changing obligations - it funds, many of which can be withdrawn from the bank at any time, but a certain amount of residues found in the accounts. This includes the means to demand of businesses and individuals, funds and extrabudgetary funds, correspondent accounts with other banks, accounts payable and transit accounts. Stable commitments or capital contributions - sources of funds for which the probability of early outflow of money is minimal. This group includes savings accounts, certificates of deposit, term deposits, non-deposit sources of funds with fixed maturities, proceeds from the sale of securities. Perpetual liabilities - own funds of the bank, such as share capital, retained earnings and reserves. If necessary, each bank can apply their approach to grouping of liabilities, which more accurately reflects the specific nature of its activities. The level of detail in the group depends on your needs and can be brought to account analytical accounting. This classification is the basis for determining the need for liquidity of the bank to cover the demand from customers by determining the stability of the bank's resource base. The second stage examines the stability of the resource base for selected groups of commitments. The analysis is performed to determine the level of stable balances in demand accounts and establish the level of early withdrawal of time deposits. At this stage, identify the level of sedimentation and calculate the value of stable residues for each group of liabilities. Adverse changes in general economic and political situation, as a rule, leads to a substantial redistribution of customers significantly influences the stability of the liabilities. First of all, it concerns retail deposits, deposits from banks and unstable part of the residual current accounts of legal entities. Category: Management Operations Commercial Bank