The banking management accounting

Accounting with banking institutions is carried out in order to provide users with complete, accurate and unbiased information about their financial condition. This information is in the form of bank statements, prepared according to accounting. Reporting to external users shareholders, investors, customers of financial and credit institutions, as well as the National Bank and other supervisory authorities of the state. The composition, form and timing of the provision of banking accounts are defined by applicable law, and the method and procedure for making accounting standards and regulatory documents of the NBU. The technology provides a uniform reporting of program-technical means "ARM-statistical reporting." Internal users are members of the Management Board, heads of his departments, specialists and marketing planning services, sales services are bank statements in order to develop a strategy and planning future operations, optimize resources, evaluate the effectiveness of financial programs. And to make good and timely management decisions they require immediate and comprehensive than the standard data of financial and statistical reporting information. It is these data are classified in the management accounting of the bank. The current ideology is based on his practice of domestic production accounting and managerial experience with the standards in developed countries. It should be noted that any business activity has three interrelated components operational, financial and investment. Design, to ensure appropriate planning, planned to implement in practice, to establish the regulation and control it allows a management function. Category: Uchot bank ucherizhdeny