The approximate time of discharge

Also in the operational day evening cashier does the following: - Recharge card accounts - Print account statement - Accounts for individuals - Repayment of the loan, cash withdrawals from the account - Receive all other payments held in the program Private-48.Pislya fill all of the data, click on "Continue" button, and then a window opens (Figure 2.2). In this window you should always check the payment amount, the commission, the currency of payment. If everything is filled in correctly, you need to press or click the "Create and conduct" or simply "Create". If the operator selected the "Create" button, then the cash order is stored in the log cash transactions as established and requires further postings. To enter the next document, operator, you must click "New Document" if you want to see data on all the postings, you should click on the "Action Log" and press the "Print" to print the stored document. The journal of operations available to view and work ALL receipts and shipment documents on the brunch. In this menu, but work with all the documents, each operator can only work with their documents. It uses the My Documents link. To print the cash journal, cash journal link is used. In the cash journal will only include documents held, ie which in the "status" surrounding the "held". Stornuvannya cash instruments Operations Private-48 is based on an information letter N 584 15.11.2005g. "The order of payment documents stornuvannya on hand in Private-48" (card document PrivatDok 301 432 883). Documents can be reversed only in the current operational day. The status of the document must be "held". Category: Controlling Analysis | Tags: elements banking system