The calculation of the planned amount of different types of income

These calculations are carried out by using a program designed to provide services and conduct banking transactions in the period ahead, given the pricing policy of the bank. Common approaches to the definition of scheduled items of income are 4. Develop a system of measures to ensure the plan proceeds. System of these events developed in the following areas: effective implementation of the developed pricing policy, the use of favorable market conditions, increased levels of customer service, advertising and intensification of information activities, the development of a network of branches and offices and other activities. While operating income a focus on active operations, as the bank's main source of income is income from active operations, so their performance, primarily determines the final financial result. The effectiveness of active operations affect yield of active operation, which is directly proportional to the level of its riskiness, so the choice of specific active operations depends on the overall strategy of the bank and its risk appetite. According to that determined by such approaches to revenue management: conservative (the orientation of the bank's operations with a limited, but highly reliable and stable income), aggressive (priority focus on maximizing profitability, despite the level of risk associated with such operations; this approach is appropriate in the development stage Bank to ensure the rapid growth of the invested capital, as this approach has a high degree of risk, the need for high professionalism of the bank, the existence of formal technology operations and effective risk management system), moderate (diversification of the bank's operations, it is a rational relationship between the high-yield and reliable operations). Category: Fundamentals of Financial Management Bank