It is important to determine which factor has the greatest effect

For example, in determining the productivity of the retail business is necessary to examine its internal processes such as: credit, the commission services in the securities exchange, the organization of payments, etc. A considerable attention should be paid to the analysis of business processes, as reflected in work plans. Based on the analysis of processes determine the costs for each of them, identified the factors that led to an increase in costs or decrease revenues and identified performers processes. This allows for optimization of processes as the technology for their implementation, as well as the work of artists. Improving the performance of retail banking business is achieved through growth in the number: consideration of loan applications, clients and accounts that are serviced by professionals; processed payment orders, etc. To increase efficiency of business processes to determine the retail banking management options, focused on marginal costs. For this set cost standards according to the standard processes used for the calculation and the calculation of costs and travel time and processing. An important driving force behind the strategy is robust, clear and transparent system of motivation, which is essential to effectively manage the bank. Category: Uchot bank ucherizhdeny