The controller determines not only the need for information

But the sources of its receipt. The scope includes the development of standards controlling the information to provide strategic and operational planning and its implementation. The controller provides it in a format that allows for the rapid management decisions. The coordination function of controlling. Strategic Controlling - ensuring that service management, which aims at achieving the strategic objectives of the bank. The purpose of strategic controlling is to contribute to long-term stable operation of the bank in the market, as well as retain or enhance its competitive position. The main areas of strategic controlling may be considered: - participation in the formulation of strategic objectives and setting targets strategic guidelines of the Bank - conducting strategic analysis and detection of growth of the bank reserves - information support of the strategic management of the bank - the coordination of efforts of all departments in developing and implementing the strategic plan - adjustment of strategic goals and strategic priorities as a result of changes in the conditions of the bank - establishing the causes of failure of strategic plans and develop measures to address them. Operational controlling - is providing service management to achieve operational objectives of the bank. The aim is to support the operative controlling the management of risk-adjusted profitability of the bank's medium-term and short-term. Among the main operative controlling bank should identify the following: - participation in defining the operational objectives of the bank and the calculation of target indicators included in the operational plans - coordination units in the development and implementation of operational plans of the bank - management structure and balance budget, information support the operational management of the bank - developing action programs to improve the efficiency of operational management of the bank - to monitor the implementation of the operational objectives of the bank. Category: Uchot bank ucherizhdeny | Tags: Controller