Human Resource Management

Strong position Pravex on the Ukrainian market of financial services made possible by European management at all levels of management hierarchy, cohesive team of professionals united by a common corporate culture. Human Resource Management in Pravex-Bank is a very important part in its development strategy, which is based on the unconditional premise that the successful activities of the bank depends on the working people in it. Today, when Pravex provides a significant increase in infrastructure and service base, the task of forming a growing team of experienced professionals trusted to the forefront. The fact that for many years, this problem is solved successfully and positively indicates growth in the number of bank employees dynamics increase the number of workers Pravex (people) in the bank created and operates a special (unique) system of training of managers and professionals, which combines the receipt theoretical knowledge with their practical use in real life. Under this system, candidates for employment at the bank are trained in the department to conduct training and practical training course in the Bank's offices in Kiev, during which the tests pass on knowledge of the full range of banking services Pravex Bank. Only Pravex provides a unique opportunity to graduate students, regardless of the profile of education and experience available, on a competitive basis to occupy prestigious positions of heads and deputy heads of departments of the bank. In 2007, successfully passed the competition and were appointed to these posts 93 graduates from 56 universities in Ukraine. In personnel work at the bank uses an individual approach to every citizen who wishes to receive a decent pay for their work through personal ability, regardless of age, education level, gender, political and religious preferences, etc. In 2007 alone, the structural units Pravex was created 4821 jobs, recruited 5126 the citizens of Ukraine, including 278 people with disabilities (the disabled). For each of the 10 221 employees of the bank Pravex - it's a decent salary, advanced corporate culture, friendships, relationships with colleagues, the possibility of constant development, improvement and self-realization. Category: Financial Management | Tags: management, management