Improvement of management accounting in the bank

Today, bankers are not interested in reporting the figures, and above all the real data to create a new quality management system. If before the main attack was made on the preparation and provision of mandatory reporting of certain business processes, but now the emphasis begins to shift towards the effective management of the bank as a whole. All the more urgent problem of improving the quality of management to the appropriate level of profitability and sustainability of the bank. This tasks identified in the bank account separate species - management. Management accounting is an activity to gather information to management. Users of data management accounting is the bank's top management, managers at various levels, analysts, financial planning services, and asset and liability management - in other words, all the bank employees involved in making both operational and strategic management decisions. With the introduction of management accounting is possible: - to obtain reliable information about the current situation, assess the risks and operational impact on the work of the bank through the reallocation of resources, setting limits - to objectively assess performance over a certain period in order to correct administrative decisions and material incentives; - performs a short-term and long-term financial planning, particularly planning expenses and revenues, capital expenditures, the structure of assets and liabilities, etc. In general the whole system in a bank account can be divided into two major parts - management and financial accounting. Moreover, under the financial accounting refers to activities to prepare reports for external users, which is the National Bank, the tax authorities, the bank's clients, its shareholders, investors and other interested persons. Topic: Improvement of controlling