Loans to individuals

Corporate loan portfolio is as of 01.01.2008. 278.73 mln. A large proportion of loans to legal entities hold loans secured by real estate and other types of support (87.10%), short-term credit lines to take - 12.90%. Given the expanding network of branches and offices of the bank (as of December 31, 2007 Pravex numbered 520 branches and outlets throughout Ukraine) it must be noted and the regional structure of the loan portfolio. Loans to subsidiaries and regional offices are 37.64% or 912.95 million UAH. In absolute figures as of 01.01.2008. Analysis of loan portfolio by currency confirms the trend of previous years where foreign currency loan portfolio is 56.33% of the total loan portfolio. Loan portfolio quality is improving every year. As of January 1, 2008 in Pravex Bank of bad debts from the total loan and investment portfolio totaled 1.56%, which is insignificant compared to the size of bad debts of banks in developed countries with stable economies. This indicates a highly professional approach to monitoring the issuance of credits, as well as the implementation of the ongoing monitoring of existing loans. Credit officers and further continue the development of new lending programs, and in 2008 zaproponovuyut to serve our clients - businesses and individuals - new loan products. Mortgage lending. Category: Financial Management