Ranking of APF: the best pension

Pension statistics unhurried. Results of development of private pension funds industry in 2010 can be brought only now, after the publication of Federal Financial Markets Service of statements. But the trends that surfaced in the market last year, according to the unanimous opinion of experts, continues today. Compared with 2009, the general theme of the market declined slightly in all respects, but still remained high. The volume of accumulated pension savings into pension funds again doubled, while the total amount of pension savings in all three segments - NPF, External Econombank and private management companies - grew by 70%. Non-state funds jostle Vnesheconombank, their market share of compulsory pension insurance (OPS) has increased from 13.5 to 16%. As the CEO, "KIT Finans Pension Administrator" Oleg Byaloshitsky but increase its customer base, rapid growth of pension funds are provided by several other factors: the delayed receipt of pension funds the amounts of insurance contributions by employers for 2009, increased in 2008, employer contributions to the funded part of retirement pension (they grew up to 6% for those born in 1967 and younger). However, as noted by Adrian Harris, director of distribution and investor relations company "Renaissance Asset Management", the growth of pension savings should not be surprising, since they fit well into the dynamics of recent years: in 2006 the accumulation of pension funds increased by 5 times in 2007 - almost 3 times, even in crisis 2008, we saw 33 percent growth. For the year 2009 this option has more than doubled from 35.5 to 77.2 billion rubles. And now for the 2010-th - again double-digit growth. "In fact, by the end of 2010 we can say that the pension reform in terms of its cumulative part, begun in 2002-2004, has overcome the inertia of the consciousness of the citizens of Russia and the place. This is a huge success of public policy in Russia ", - summed up by Oleg Kiselyov, the chairman of the Board of Trustees Pension Fund" Renaissance Life and Pensions, "managing director SK" Renaissance Life. " A dangerous speed. The doubling of pension savings in pension funds was the result of increased marketing activity of many funds. As noted by Oleg Byaloshitsky "funds focused primarily on the development of retail channels and technology sales of pension products, expand their own networks and agency looking for new partners to major retailers." "KIT Finance NPF", for example, one of the first signed a contract for the sale of pension policies with a network of "The Messenger". Activity funds are most manifest even in the increase of assets, and to increase the number of customers: the number of people who wrote the statement on the transfer of their funds from FIU in private pension funds, has reached the record figure of 3.4 million. Number of people who use mandatory pension insurance system, pension funds, for the first time in the history of the market has overtaken the number of NPF participants in the voluntary pension scheme. Active funds in high-speed building agent networks has led to a series of semi-criminal scandal: applications of citizens of the RPF were forged, they were transferred from the accumulation of pension funds in the RPF, without their consent, the agents "resell" the same customer in different SPF. Echo these scandals see the May resignation of NPF "Norilsk Nickel" Sergey Puchkov. In addition, all the experts noted that the growth of the "overflow" of clients in the NPF has finally begun to affect state efforts to improve information literacy. " "Unfolded in the 2010 debate on the future of pension reform has prepared people to become more conscious approach to exercise their rights and understand that the transfer of pension funds is really beneficial to them and really help to increase future retirement - the executive director of APF" Promagrofond "Olga Bulantseva. - A few years ago, people were little interested in the funded part of his pension, but now they are comparing the results of investing pension funds and the RPF, and consciously choose an insurer, which sent its pension capital. " New predators. An important trend that can be seen in the pension market, in both its segments - compulsory pension insurance (OPS) and non-state pension (NGOs) - is as follows: cohort recognized leaders still stable, but its ranks are broken persistently aggressive second-tier players . In the midst of the crisis, several new players who aggressively capture market. Some of them newly registered, some, although technically there are long, it just started an aggressive expansion. These "new predators" could be attributed NPF "KIT Finance", "Promagrofond", "Renaissance Life and pensions", "VTB Pension Fund", NPF Savings Bank. These funds are actively engaged in acquisitions. Thus, NPF Savings Fund joined Aero-Navy "social partners", and there were rumors that he was going to buy SPC Electric, part of the top five. Saratov "Victoria Foundation" has joined the APF "Renaissance Life and pensions", allowing pension reserves in the fund rose at once to 90 times. The fact is that in 2010 the market began to "act out" event that occurred back in 2009 - increasing demands for minimum FFMS assets of pension funds. As expected, the act accelerated the process of market consolidation, funds began to join together, and the accession process alters the balance of power in the market. The best drives. In the segment of compulsory pension insurance (OPS), it is in the market with pension savings, from which later will be paid an additional pension, the top 10 leaders for the year has not changed. Still in first place in terms of pension savings - "Train" NPF "welfare." However, its market share fell from 20 to 17%. We can say that those lost "welfare" 3% divided between two funds aggressively developing "Lukoil-Garant", built up its stake from 14.5 to 16.6%, and SPC Electric, increasing its market share from 5 to 6.1 %. Moreover, "Lukoil-Garant" was able to outrun even the "Fortune" on the number of insured persons, and went on this indicator in the first place on the market! "Lukoil-Garant" in the first place in terms of growth of clientele, it expanded the number of insured for 392 thousand people. Moreover, these fund managers note that the captive market share of compulsory pension insurance has long been settled, and 98% of customers attracted to the fund came from the open market. Experts, above all, explain the success of "Lukoil" takeovers: in the past year, "Lukoil-Garant" concluded the accession of the three pension funds included in the IFD "Capital" ("Pension Capital", Kuban pension fund and Interdisciplinary professional NPF). The unprecedented growth seen in clients' Promagrofonde "established enterprises Boris Ivanishvili. Fund almost tripled in 2010 and left their clients in terms of the number of insured to third place in the country. "SPF" Promagrofond "is an aggressive marketing company, is involved in projects to improve the financial literacy of the population are actively introducing new ways of receiving contributions from the public - through payment terminals, cellular shops, offices, banks, - says Adrian Harris. - They also draw attention to the purchase of smaller funds have been left without a license, but with a customer base (such as the acquisition last summer, NPF "growth"). " "The fund active marketing policy - agrees Dmitry Kashaev, Head of Product Development FY BCS. - Besides fund - one of the leaders on the number of agents in Russia. " Yet the most important reason for success "Promagrofonda" - the absorption of pension funds 'Rus', which brought "sink" just 340 thousand customers. "Norilsk Nickel" and also built up a fund for Power the number of customers in more than 1.5 times, although the successes of "Norilsk Nickel" scandal marred with unscrupulous agents. From the many new customers as long as funds are no large financial return, but the fact of their presence suggests that in the coming years, the balance of power in the top five may change. In anticipation of retail. Increase in accumulated pension reserves in pension funds is relatively small - 14%. Number of participants even decreased by 2.2%. Analysts attribute this to the fact that the NGO segment still grew at the expense of corporate pension plans, this development path has been exhausted, and work on the open market in this segment has not been established. "The market for NGOs, formed mainly by corporate pension plans, is stretched to the limit of its development and is already producing significant amounts of pension benefits, compared with the influx of new pension contributions - believes Oleg Byaloshitsky. - Future prospects of this segment of the retirement market are seen in the development of retail retirement programs for small and medium businesses, as well as for individuals. " "Following the 2008 crisis, many continue to" save on the future. " Often, clients became NPF company. And they have reduced their compensation plans, "- adds Dmitri porridge BCS. As part of the top five funds in the market for NGOs from the previous year there was only one important change: RPC "Transneft" has moved from fifth place to third. As noted by Adrian Harris, after a series of well-known market conflicts with management companies NPF "Transneft" last year established its own MC "Transneft-invest" and gave a considerable portion of the assets. Judging by the result of this step was justified. "Gazfond" - still the market leader in NGOs, but to maintain its leadership position it more difficult. Compared to the previous year and 2009 "Gazfond" quite sharply reduced the volume growth of reserves, while the Fund number 2 - "Welfare" - on the contrary, boosted, so in terms of growth in reserves, "Welfare" broke in the first place. For the year, "Gazfond" increased its reserves of only 6.5%, while the "Wealth" - by 32.5%. As a result attributable to "Gazfond 'market share decreased from 48 to 45%, and" welfare "increased its share from 18 to 21%. It turns out that the "welfare" is gradually crowding "Gazfond" in the market, although the amount of these two fund continues take on two-thirds of all the assets of NGOs. Again, increasing clientele of all active NPF Electric and «Lukoil-Garant". Three years of this rapid development - and there are chances of Electric SPC outperform "Welfare" if not in terms of assets, then the number of customers in the segment. How to pay? The average yield of pension savings in 2010 compared to 2009 has fallen sharply: according to analysts, from 19 to 11%. In April, the Chamber even a "penalty" for not being tested SPF to keep savings. But experts explain that 2009 was a year of post-crisis recovery in the stock market and the current yield - is normal. Market participants are concerned not so. The main thing - the lack of "vyplatnogo" of the law, that is the law that determines what kind of additional pension must appoint a person to whom pension account is a certain amount of savings. Meanwhile, the first payment to begin funded scheme from 1 January 2013. National Association of Pension Funds sent a letter to the president of Russia to speed up the enactment of the payments funded portion. "In 2011, acutely apparent problems, long simmering in the pension market and require systemic solutions, - says Oleg Byaloshitsky. - So, one of the most talked about professional community issues has been the development of legislative base for the payment of funded part of pensions. Today there is no separate federal law, which would clearly regulate the appointment and retirement savings. No established mechanism of pension payments service funded pension insurance is incomplete, and therefore less attractive to the customer. " Consolidated performance of the NPF by the end of 2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2010 01/01/2009 Rate Change in 2010,% Change in 2009, the number of active NPF% 157.0 165.0 209.0 -4.8 -21.1 pension savings, billion rubles. 155.3 77.2 35.5 101.2 117.1 Pension reserves, billion rubles. 643.3 564.4 462.9 14.0 21.9 Pension payments, bln. 26.6 22.2 15.5 19.8 42.7 Number of insured OPS, thousands of people. 7822.6 5680.2 3639.3 37.7 56.1 Number of participants in the NGO, thousands of people. 6609.1 6757.0 6746.3 -2.2 +0.7 share of pension funds, pension funds accounted for in, in their total amount,% 16.0 13.5 9.2 - - Source: Federal Financial Markets Service, the calculations of "F. "Top 100 SPC in terms of retirement savings - on site http://www.finansmag.ru/96996/