These requirements imprinted on self control and must be done at each stage. We define the fundamental principles of asset and liability management. 1. Asset and liability should be based on state approach in assessing the economic processes and phenomena, results of operations. In other words, the management of assets and liabilities must be considered compliance with the state's economic, social, environmental, international politics and law. 2. Management must be scientific in nature, ie based on the provisions of dialectical theory of knowledge, understand the requirements of the economic laws of development, using the achievements of scientific and technical progress and excellence, the latest methods of economic research. 3. Management must be integrated. Complexity management requires coverage of all parts and aspects of the activity, a comprehensive study of causal relationships in the bank. 4. One of the requirements for management is to ensure a systematic approach, where every object that we study, is regarded as a complex dynamic system, which includes a number of in some way interconnected elements and the external environment. The study of each facility must take into account all internal and external communication, interdependence and vzaemopidporyadkovanosti its individual elements. Category: Management Operations Commercial Bank