Methods of improving the technological changes of parameters of the system the company

The implementation of innovative processes in the industrial sector in the post-industrial period, the economy has a tendency, which can be formulated as "not to be like." In this regard, the economy of industrial production does not develop by increasing the millions of pieces, tons, cubic yards, etc., products, and increase the range of products, their diversity and create technologies that provide a competitive cost structure for manufacturing products with stable properties of the consumer receiving the finished product . Investing innovative programs in the market economy at the expense of shareholders, so the basic requirement for the realization of innovative projects is an adequate increase in shareholder value. A significant obstacle in achieving this target is the lack of scientific methods of metrological provision for assessing the business value of the capitalization of your investment in an innovative project investment. Analysis of published results of scientific research in the field of technology assessment in the innovation process has shown that a number of economic categories, related to the characteristics of technological systems of enterprises, greatly determines the cost of equity capital, in particular, the structure of production costs and depreciation, are not present in the estimates of the effectiveness of investment . In designing and implementing innovative programs cost estimate technological systems and business valuation as a whole has not yet become part of the economic metrology, providing facilities to bring the estimated identical conditions of comparison. As a result of the innovation process is no complexity in the systems of units. An indicator of sustainable development of the company is changing its value, so the evaluation of technology in metrological support are an important mechanism for measuring revenue management systems and technological enterprise in general. The cost of IT systems the company quantifies the effectiveness of technology in the production process. In this regard, the development of science-based metrological support of innovation processes, ensuring efficient use of investment resources of shareholders, is a very important task. Measuring the parameters of the innovation process, as well as other economic parameters, excellent technique on the technical dimensions. The main difference lies in the impossibility of imposing a physical one object to another and provide a complete analogy of external conditions. As well as in gauging the economic dimension as measuring tools used by the analog model [1]. Designing the required "hard" parameters of the technological system is based on the development of standards and working measuring instruments in their proper selection, development and application of metrological rules and regulations to ensure the required measurement quality in the enterprise, industry and national economy. Selecting a master of quantitative parameters in the measurement process is a major problem. Consumer product properties depend directly on the instrument, the state and possibilities of the technological machine, whose parameters are controllable and predictable, that is, Their design is based on the exact sciences and mathematical models. Design of technological systems on the performance specifications should be based on the formation of precise technology (structural) properties of the machines and the required economic parameters of the local technological systems [2]. Development of the technological system of the enterprise, consisting of separate technological systems is possible by exposure to some of its elements. As a control action in the present study proposes to consider innovative processes to design the required technological and economic parameters of the analyzed process systems. And the values ​​of the technological system of the enterprise additive similar to those in local technological systems incorporated into its structure. We describe the process of innovation in technological systems as a change in aggregate quantitative parameters of the technological system. The result of the company - sales of products, value terms which depend on the number of products, the structure of production costs, fixed assets involved in production, income tax rates and property, the required amount of income [3]. Innovative development of the enterprise includes activities of technological development, reconstruction and modernization, which are allowed by law and their specificity is clearly articulated. From the definitions it follows that the innovation process by changing technological and operational costs, increase output, improve the stability properties of the receipt of consumer goods, must compensate for the increase in tax payments, while providing increased revenue and business value. According to the theory of metrology the most suitable method for measuring the innovation process - the method of direct assessment. The method we have chosen to measure the technical means of technology (design) parameters of the technological system, and design based on them using a mathematical model of economic parameters on which we define business value by using valuation technology. Continuous capitalization of business value is realized when the innovation process. We present a logical model of continuous innovation in technology-based system, the value chain (see figure). The innovation process is viewed as the formation of business value through continued investment in the technological system of the enterprise. In the process of technological (engineering) development designed capacity of fixed assets for production from the pacemaker and the required consumer properties. In this case, a new technological system or modify existing. Planning for the innovation process is limited to projected parameters, which are fundamental to the development of the enterprise. Metrological assurance process allows the formation of a new structure by production costs to project economic parameters of the technological system. This includes net income and depreciation charges of tangible and intangible assets that determine the income of the technological system, and taxes to ensure social orientation of the innovation process. The resulting income is its cost. Moreover, loss of income or the value of the technological system is a prerequisite for the refusal of innovation. Increase business value, increase its attractiveness to new investors and the formation of new investments, identifying cycles of innovation for the company. In practice, the implementation of the innovation process should be carried out as follows. The decision begins with the definition of technological systems, which require innovative reforms. Analysis of the technological system, selected for innovation, should be based on the measurement of economic variables. Further analysis of the cost structure for possible optimization. The next step is to review the proposed changes and innovative design of new technological and economic parameters of the technological system. As a result, the design of the innovation process must be answered to the question "how to increase business value," ie, Delta A = A / k. Thus, the algorithm controls the value of industrial enterprises on the basis of the formation of an innovative cost structure in the local technology system. Local technological system and the mathematical tools to evaluate the impact of an innovative project for the capitalization value of the company are encouraged to consider how the metrological complex innovation process. Used Books 1. Nazarov, N. Metrology. The basic concepts and mathematical models: Textbook. manual for schools / NG Nazarov. - M.: Higher. wk., 2002. - 348. 2. Shichkov, A. Assessment of the intrinsic value of fixed assets of the enterprise / AN Shichkov - Vologda: Vogt, 2003. - 278. 3. Yezhov, NE Metrological support of innovation processes in an industrial plant / NE Yezhov. / / Proceedings of V Mezhlunarodnoy Scientific Conference June 21-22, 2006. SPb.: SPbGIEU, 2006. - S. 36-39.