Current trends in international economic relations

The main trend of international economic relations are the processes of integration. The concept of integration means the interpenetration of the individual national economies, coordination of actions of governments in economic policy, the interests of all involved in the integration process of the parties, as well as in relation to third countries. Integration is provided by the concentration and interlocking capital. Integration processes are regional in nature, take the form of associations to achieve common economic objectives. Originally created for the integration associations in the abolition of customs barriers in mutual trade among the member countries, ie, a so-called "free zones". More complex forms were sent by the organization of customs unions, which involve the free movement of goods and services within the group ¬ meadow and the use of customs tariffs (import taxes) in relation to third countries. Creating a common market due to the elimination of barriers between countries, not only in trade but also when moving work ¬ labor force and capital. The highest form of manifestation of the integration of association is an economic union, which is holding the participating States of measures of interstate regulation of socio-economic processes in the region. The biggest cross-country integration of maturity reached in the European Economic Community (EEC), established in 1957, which was transformed into the European Union. Currently in the EU resolved problems of free movement of goods, services and labor, as well as create a single regulatory and legislative bodies, a unified monetary system. US-Canadian Free Trade Agreement, signed in 1989, contains several provisions that are the real steps to create the North American common economic space. Common market established in Southeast Asia, the Arab world, Africa and Central America. Regional consolidation does not rule out the contradictions within the individual groups and between them. However, the present stage is characterized by a tendency to strengthen inter-regional integration processes. An example is the rapidly developing economic cooperation between North American and Asia-Pacific region, it is possible to connect Japan to the US-Canada integration. Transnationalization - this interstate integration, implemented by private firms. Organizational embodiment of the international relations of private capital received in the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs). Transnational structures combine national economy is not on a geographic basis (common border), and based on the reproduction of deep connections. Distinguish between multinational corporations that are national trusts and corporations that have substantial foreign assets (investments), and the actual inter-company alliances that have arisen on the basis of association, the merger of private capital. If the first form of TNCs national capital and control, but is international in scope of its activities, the second is inherent in the international dispersion of share capital and the multinational composition of the nucleus of the trust or the group, became its institutional embodiment. It should be noted that trade between the countries forming the world market on the basis of deepening the international division of labor, intensification of economic relations, due to the integration of economies and the formation of TNCs have contributed to the strengthening world economy and increase depending on the growth of national production of global economic stability. Currently, international economic relations established themselves and are being implemented in the following main forms: the international trade in goods and services, cross-country cooperation of production, exchange in the field of science and technology capital flows and foreign investment; labor migration; currency and credit relations. Steady trend of rapid growth of export of capital and labor migration reflect an objective requirement of the productive forces in the scientific and technological revolution. Production of technologically sophisticated high-tech products leading industries requires effort and pooling of capital and production in different countries. Framework of internal markets are tight. The need for effective management of the production demands of the international industrial cooperation and technological exchange. Progress in the production of advanced technical and information resources (eg computers), leads to their rapid aging, and hence the need to constantly update ¬ th. Mass production can be effective in targeting industries with high technology. All this requires an enabling environment for scientific and technological development through a focus on basic and applied scientific research funding. Hence, the modern production focuses not on national or regional scale, and the global economy. Under the influence of the technological revolution changes the significance of the structural elements of the production costs. New and require significant investment, is the cost of acquisition of knowledge, information and expertise. All this leads to an increased exchange of industrial, scientific, technological, financial services. Export-import of these types of services promotes international trade in goods for production purposes. The overwhelming majority of foreign purchases of complete equipment is accompanied by the provision of engineering and consulting services. Thus, new forms of international economic relations, associated with the dissemination of best practices, reflect the evolution in the way of using foreign capital in the territory of different states from partial or complete ownership - to contractual agreements related to technology transfer, marketing and information services. The goals of the partners is definitely different. For some people - is to achieve global leadership - for others catching up. The deepening international division of labor is based on competition. The main argument of rivalry of the parties involved is to compare the scientific capacities and technological capabilities possessed by the country. A characteristic feature of the modern world economy is part of technological power. The consequence of this is the specialization of developed countries on the export of knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive products (electronics, instrumentation). The share of developing countries have the same export-intensive and labor-intensive products, whose production often leads to ecological imbalance. Some countries continue to be in line with monocultural commodity specialization.