Improving the structure and composition of staff in a crisis

The crisis - an extreme aggravation of the contradictions in the socio-economic system (organizations), threatening its viability in the environment. The crisis can be understood as a step in the development of socio-economic system that is required to eliminate stress and imbalance in it. Part of any anti-crisis program is to improve personnel structure to ensure that it meets the current and strategic needs of the organization, as well as improvement of the staff: the number of optimization, the attainment of high skills. Activities to improve the composition and structure of the staff are the most important content of modern management systems and work carried out continuously. To do this, the company is staffing forecasting and planning, is the recruitment, movement and release of personnel, a system of rotation, the programs are implemented staff development, etc. An enterprise in crisis generally do not have enough time for a gradual, evolutionary improvement of the characteristics of staff. He needs to quickly achieve a qualitatively different state of the personnel structure, in most cases, against the background of the need for dramatic reductions in staff. Measures to improve the composition and structure personally need to plan in detail. The first stage of the planning should be an analysis of available human resources [1]. An important element in assessing human resources is to check the level of competence of senior staff. Are evaluated not only by their professional knowledge and practical experience of working in extreme situations, organizational skills, teamwork skills, and innovative experience. One of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of leaders is the units under their supervision. The next stage of planning should be the analysis and design of jobs carried out by taking into account existing plans for the company. Such an analysis will allow: - rationally reallocate functions as an enterprise-wide, as well as within the units - identify the needs of workforce that is sufficient to perform after the reorganization of the plans - to identify and eliminate wasteful departments to identify ways to optimize the organizational structure; - eliminate duplication of effort - to determine the mode of operation, suitable for a given unit for the job - to specify the professional qualification requirements for employees in specific jobs - jobs in the reconstruction of the enterprise in terms of organizational development and optimization of a set of functions specific to the workplace, organizational and technical equipment and, consequently, increase the effectiveness of the employee, while reducing the degree of fatigue. Next, the classification of jobs and their typology with respect to all operations performed. When planning to release staff to calculate their economic and social consequences, the degree of responsibility of long-term development strategy of the organization. To many Russian enterprises now makes it possible to maneuver the administration of the number of staff in case of seasonal fluctuations or crises by creating a so-called "buffer group" that is, workers on fixed-term employment contracts. If necessary, it is at their expense with minimal economic losses reduced the number of employees. A large reserve in terms of flexibility and strength are of working pensioners, whose share in the structure of the staff of Russian companies is constantly increasing. If the chances for improvement in the short term is not expected, and mass layoffs of workers is inevitable. must be very carefully designed procedures for such release and to hold them correctly from the legal point of view and from the standpoint of social and economic benefits for the enterprise. Russian labor law layoffs of workers by the employer clearly regulated. It is subject to the liquidation of an organization, downsizing or staff. Arrangements for the release of staff are quite expensive, since the legislation provides for compensation and other benefits to workers laid off. In case of reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise employees shall be paid severance pay and the period of employment, but not more than three months, for employees of the former place saved the average wage. Arrangements for the release of staff to be effective from an economic point of view only if staff is reduced in those places where there is an excess of it. It is important to conduct pre-administration of the enterprise advocacy for justifying the need for the upcoming layoffs and its objectives and principles. To reduce the stress levels of employees, mass layoffs of staff holds appropriate at one stage, not hurting workers repeatedly. Dismissal of employees necessary to carry out a "spare-schem" mode, giving them the opportunity to find a new job or a pre-emptive right to re-employment in the same organization and perhaps for the same office, arranging classes in guidance released staff to assist them in finding employment. Such events not only allow the organization to maintain good relations with its former employees, but also extremely beneficial to the external image of the company, to increase loyalty to the organization of the remaining staff, its capacity for mobilization to meet the challenges of overcoming the crisis. [2] The need to improve staff quality parameters are often insoluble without an influx of new skilled workers, especially in the vital and priority areas for the company. However, the principles of recruitment to the crisis in the company several modified. Part of the heads should be replaced by candidates from the "outside", this is due to the need for a thorough breakdown of the existing stereotypes of a particular unit is not consistent with the objectives organization struggles with nepotism. For example, in Germany, during the rehabilitation company, a change of managers, particularly those leading role in government, is considered mandatory. It is believed that the old management structures are not able to understand the course conducted by erroneous and radically change it. As a rule, for the vacant managerial positions gaining qualified young, ambitious enough workers for whom the most attractive aspect is the possibility of a career. Important point - the innovative thinking leader. This will facilitate the practical application of new, innovative and possibly more effective management techniques. So the leaders of most peculiar performance, striving to assert themselves through the achievement of goals, through the transformation of his department into a model. In my opinion, the impact of the head of the department will increase if hire in the same department a few innovative and active workers. Most likely the manager will encourage them in the first place, and other employees wanting to promote, will emulate them. The selection of candidates for such positions are taken into account, above all, their professional and qualification characteristics, strong-willed and adaptive qualities, organizational capacity and health status. To reduce the risk in hiring new employees, it is reasonable to conclude a contract with him to the maximum allowed by the law of probation. This allows the manager to form an opinion on the qualifications of the employee on his actual performance, and in case of unsatisfactory results - terminate the employment contract in a simplified manner without the consent of the trade-union body, and severance pay. At the conclusion of labor contracts with the young leaders need to provide the maximum probationary period (up to three months, and in consultation with the trade union for up to six months) [3]. Used Books 1. Ermakov VV. Management of the organization in crisis. - M., 2009. 2. Ryakhovsky A. Crisis management companies. - M., 2008. 3. Gryaznov AG Crisis Management. - M., 2007.