188 most valuable companies

Reaching the mark "188" - a major breakthrough than it seems. You can say, think, only 12 companies more. And be attributed to statistical error, inattention ranking compilers (no limit to perfection) and just stock market volatility in either direction. Today he is growing and the number of companies with capitalization of "a billion" goes for 200. And tomorrow is falling, and everything returns to normal. Skeptics say that's right. But they do not account for at least one important factor: at approximately equal value, the MICEX index U.S. dollar April 4, 2008 was worth 23.62 rubles. Slightly more than three years after the official rate of the Central Bank - 28.12 rubles. And this difference is more serious. Some did not have a matter of hundreds of millions of rubles capitalization in order to pass the bar at $ 1 billion in terms of the course. These companies - the cost in the range of 23,6-28,1 billion - a lot. On the similarities of agriculture and investment. Just think, after only two years ago, "F." with great difficulty scraped together 160 companies with capitalization of not even a billion - from $ 300 million! Investors in the eternal values ​​(ie, in Moscow real estate and gold) fit to gnaw at the elbows as crazy returns, which could provide them the shares of individual issuers. That's really true: it was enough to stick a twig in the ground (to buy at least an index MICEX) - and it would blossom (brought hundreds and even thousands of percent per annum). Required only strong nerves and money. Investor model "Spring 2010" only these qualities will not be enough. No, it's nice, of course, to earn 17% per year on promotions, "Volga TGC", but compared to the growth of quotations of up to six times - no longer inspires. By the way, only four public companies have been able to show a doubling of market capitalization. "Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station" (196%) rose on expectations of imminent IPO of its parent company "EuroSibEnergo" and the need for placing an offer to minority shareholders in case of consolidation of the parent holding 75% stake. Investors in 'AvtoVAZ' (127%) live with the hope that the "cream" with the government's recycling program will be enough for avtohlama cajoling potential strategic investor Renault-Nissan. Finally, "Novatek" (106%) and "Polymetal" (+103%), just enjoy favorable conditions in its markets, accompanied by a significant improvement in their performance. But with no less success could be trapped, lost money on "RusHydro" (HPP, too!), Or almost nothing to earn in stocks "Kamaz". Riding on EBITDA. Explanations for past and future performance of the quotes listed companies graze hundreds of analysts from dozens of investment companies and banks. Still one of the main ranking the most expensive pieces of "F." - the valuation of holdings whose shares are not traded on an exchange, with a high probability that they are never there and will not appear. This year we included a ranking of 86 non-public holdings, 33 of them freshman. In the top three after a three year absence Railways again entered, and quickly broke the top ten "Atomenergoprom" and "Novatek". Transport monopoly is working with excellent cost-effectiveness: for example, only the first half of 2010 EBITDA amounted to 205 billion rubles (31% margin). And even in the midst of crisis, in January-June of 2009, EBITDA margin does not fall below 21%. "Novatek" every year, selects from "Gazprom" in the percentage of the domestic market. His plan for the next five years - to increase the proportion of 6 to 10%. In light of recent events in Japan may seem strange Is that the growth of assessed value "Atomenergoprom" by 2.5 times. But when the world held rallies and marches with the requirements of existing nuclear power plants to close and stop building new ones, in Russia in this respect, peace and tranquility reign. Local "green" understand that a nod to the low reliability of the domestic nuclear power is useless. It is unlikely that the fear of Chernobyl bothered to build new nuclear power plants in Russia - most to blame for the lack of investment funding and the long process of reforming the industry. But this fear has forced an accelerated pace to replace old units. Plus traditionally low operating costs of nuclear generation. And now, "Atomenergoprom", in which the state has "thrown off" the entire nuclear power industry of the country - from uranium mining and nuclear fuel to nuclear power plant construction and operation - even in the crisis year of 2009 shows a 48% return on EBITDA! It proceeds at $ 10.9 billion and even in the current "crisis of confidence" "Atomenergoprom" trying to play on the fears of investors and inexpensive to solve their main problem - the shortage of uranium. Debut-2011. In the rankings have long been involved Gazprombank - from the moment the "Gazprom" lost formal control over it and stopped its consolidated financial results in its IFRS financial statements. But first on the list gets "daughter" bank "Sibur Holding", simultaneously winning the "category", "Best Newcomer 2011", - once at the 43 th. The fact that the petrochemical company, which in 2008 was unable to redeem management, now under the control of the largest co-owner of "Novatek" Leonid Michelson. By the way, just under the "Sibur" is located at 44th place debutant number 2 - Mail.ru Group. Prior to that, within three years of "F." included in his list of one of the subsidiaries of the issuer newfound London Stock Exchange - the postal service Mail.ru. But agree that logical not to mix two different companies with similar names even. After a year of absence from the ranking back, "Sheremetyevo Airport", and for the first time it involves other "air gates" of the capital - "Vnukovo". Both holding very tentative. Of course, their constituent structures work together. But at the same time, control terminals and operating companies often belong to totally different groups of beneficiaries. But it seems that at last it gathered to establish order in its airport sector, combining two "conditional" in a single holding company. And the merger will not remain a purely legal procedure: to physically link the airports direct route "Aeroexpress". Finally, surprised one of the areas of business, "Russian Technologies" - UIC "Oboronprom". Recently, a state corporation accepted blame for polubankrotnuyu "Russpetsstal" for the failed competitor "Aeroflot". But pity the people fit - they, a native of "Rosoboronexport", forced to deal in unfamiliar businesses. But it was enough to stumble on something familiar, please - sub-holding "Russian Helicopters", which accounts for approximately 40% of revenue, "Oboronprom" (half with "Rosvertolom"), shows a record for the global industry helicopter EBITDA margin of 18% and plans for an IPO. Something tells me next year, "Oboronprom" may surprise even more. The method. The ranking of the most expensive of the company includes the cost of not less than $ 1 billion in the list does not include non-public developers (with the exception of "Tashir" group and "Standards"), subsidiaries of foreign corporations not traded on Russian stock exchanges, as well as large private equity subsidiary Russian holdings, if the list already got the head structure. But participants in the rating are the registered overseas companies, the majority of assets are located in Russia (Evraz Group, X5 Retail Group). For the participants, whose shares are traded on the stock exchange, market capitalization is taken on 11.04.2010, 11.04.2009 and 11.04.2008 or prior date. For IRAs "Svyazinvest" in respect of which started the procedure for joining the "Ros-Telecom", taken at market value 25/03/2011. Sources of information: MICEX, RTS, LSE, NYSE, NASDAQ. Currency conversion was carried out at the official rate of the Bank of Russia on the appropriate date. The cost of non-public companies is a business expert evaluation of the magazine "Finance.", Which can be used only in an informal setting. The most expensive place of the 2011 change in the Company's capitalization at 11.04.11 Specialisation, billion capitalization at 04/11/11, $ billion $ Dynamics of capitalization for the year,% Dynamics $ cap for 2 years,% Characteristics Controlling owners 1 0 Gazprom Neft and Gas 5776.3 205.4 +45 +97 Privatized Federal Property Management Agency, Rosneftegaz 2 0 Rosneft Oil and gas 2794.7 99.4 8 71 Holding IPO Rosneftegaz 3 +2 Russian Railways Transportation 2530.9 90.0 88 + 200 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo Savings Bank 4 -1 30 85.9 2416.4 389 privatized Bank of Russia 5 -1 Lukoil Oil and gas 1724.6 61.3 +22 +45 Privatized Alekperov and Leonid Fedun 6 +2 TNK-BP Holding Oil and Gas 1520,6 54,1 +51 +260 British Petroleum, Alpha Group 7 0 Norilsk Nickel non-ferrous metals 51.6 1451.6 43 228 privatized, Vladimir Potanin, Oleg Deripaska, the 8 +8 Atomenergoprom Power 1265.4 45.0 153 9 -3 Nonpublic Rosatom Surgutneftegaz oil and gas 1252.9 44.6 12 64 10 +5 Novatech privatized oil and gas 1157.1 41.1 106 399 Privatized Leonid Michelson, Gennady Timchenko, 11 - VTB Bank 2 1137.7 40.5 35 534 Holding IPO Rosimushchestvo 12 +2 NLMK Steel 720.5 25.6 17 193 privatized Lisin 13 +4 UC Rusal-ferrous metals 25.6 718.8 10 2456 the IPO, Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Prokhorov, Viktor Vekselberg, 14 -4 Gazprom Neft Oil and gas 696.0 24.8 -8 +89 15 -2 privatized Gazprom MTS Telecommunications 580.7 20.7 -10 +41 Holding IPO ROS The system of 16 -5 Vimpelcom Ltd. Telecommunications 575.5 20.5 -1 80 an IPO of Alfa Group, Telenor 17 19 Metalloinvest Mining 562.4 20.0 208 733 Nonpublic Alisher Usmanov, Andrei Skoch and Vasily Anisimov 18 +2 Severstal Iron and steel 550.0 19.6 26 411 Privatized Mordashov 19 -7 Megaphone Telecommunications 534.3 19.0 3 73 Nonpublic Alisher Usmanov, TeliaSonera, Alfa Group 20 9 Uralkali Fertilizers 504.1 17 9 83 232 Privatized Suleiman Kerimov, Filaret Galchev, Vitaly Nesis 21 -3 FGC Power 487.9 17.3 10 196 Reform of RAO Rosimushchestvo 22 -3 Evraz Group Steel 438.5 15.6 -2 +274 the IPO, Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov and Alexander Frolov 23 2 Tatneft Oil and gas 436.3 15.5 37 136 24 privatized the government of Tatarstan -1 Mechel Steel 423.9 15.1 4 495 Privatized Igor Zyuzin 25 - 4 RusHydro Power 422.7 15.0 -6 +134 Reform of RAO Rosimushchestvo 26 22 UMMC-ferrous metals 15.0 421.8 257 295 Iskandar Makhmudov Nonpublic, Andrew Kozitsyn 27 -5 Sistema Telecom, Oil and Gas 409 1 14.5 7 289 Holding IPO Vladimir Yevtushenko 28 3 Magnet Retail 364.1 12.9 55 357 Holding IPO Sergei Galitsky, Alexey Bogachev 29 -1 Gazprombank Bank 348.7 12.4 33 142 Nonpublic NPF Gazfond, Gazprom 30 +3 Bashneft Oil and gas 340.1 12.1 66 740 Privatized Sistema 31 -7 MMK Steel 11.9 333.4 -1 266 Privatized Victor Rashnikov 32 -5 Polyus Gold, Precious metals 329.4 11.7 24 44 Holding IPO Mikhail Prokhorov, Suleiman Kerimov 33 -3 Transneft Transport 326.7 11.6 28 347 Privatized Rosimushchestvo 34 -8 X5 Retail Group Retail 313.1 11.1 + 14 228 Conduct IPO Alfa Group 35 0 Silvinit Fertilizers 283.2 10.1 50 214 Privatized Anatoly Skurov, Zelimkhan Mutsoev 36 67 Mining Alrosa 253.1 9.0 429 165 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo, the government of Yakutia 37 23 Precious metals Polymetal 235.4 8.4 103 297 Alexander Mamut the IPO, the Group of 38 -4 EAST SUEK Coal 225.0 8.0 14 321 Nonpublic Sergei Popov and Andrei Melnichenko 39 24 213 Agricultural Bank Bank , 7 7.6 124 300 40 +2 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo Brewing company "Baltic" Alcohol and beverages 208.0 7.4 44 191 41 -9 Privatized Carlsberg IDC Holding Power 195.3 6.9 -4 +398 Reform of RAO Rosimushchestvo 42 38 Bank of Moscow Bank 184.9 6.6 22 124 Privatized VTB Group, Vitaly Yusufov, Capital Insurance Group 43, Sibur Holding Chemicals and petrochemicals 6.5 182.8 Nonpublic Gazprombank, Leonid Michelson 44 Mail.ru Media Group 178.6 6.4 Conduct IPO Naspers, Alisher Usmanov, 45 -5 OGK-4 Power 176.5 6.3 24 291 Reform of RAO 4 E. On 46 Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods 167.5 6 , 0 45 209 Holding IPO Pepsico 47 -4 Alfa-Bank Bank 161.4 5.7 17 283 Nonpublic Alfa Group 48 -11 Raspadskaya Coal 158.0 5.6 -2 +447 Holding IPO Evraz Group Telecommunications Rostelecom 49 -2 148.0 5.3 +25 -27 Privatized Svyazinvest, ASV, WEB 50 +2 Phosagro Fertilizers 147.1 5.2 34 571 Nonpublic Andrei Guriev 51 +21 Eurasia Drilling Company Engineering 140.1 5.0 86 542 Holding IPO Alexander Japaridze, Alexander Putilov 52 -6 LSR Development 136.2 4.8 12 988 Holding IPO, Andrei Molchanov 53 -8 TMK Pipe Production 134.4 4.8 6 358 the IPO Dmitry Pumpyansky 54 -15 Slavneft Oil and gas 133.7 4.8 -5 +233 privatized Gazprom Neft, TNK-BP 55 23 Rosbank Bank 130,6 4,6 +49 +60 Societe Generale, Vladimir Potanin, 56 + 87 East Line Transportation 129.4 4.6 318 Nonpublic Dmitry Mason, Valery Kogan, 57 25 126.5 4.5 Power Evrosibenergo 96 Nonpublic Oleg Deripaska, 58 -9 Stroygazkonsalting Engineering 126.5 4.5 7 Nonpublic Ziad Manasir 59 -8 Eurochem Fertilizers 123.7 4.4 10 63 Nonpublic Andrei Melnichenko, a 60 Dmitry Strezhnev OMK Steel 119.8 4.3 29 433 Nonpublic Anatoly Gray, Eugene Shevelev, Valery Anisimov, 61 -23 Mosenergo Power 119.2 4.2 -22 +202 RAO Gazprom reform 62 -18 Inter RAO UES Power 118.9 4.2 -16 +217 Reform of RAO Rosatom 63 -9 Pharmstandard Pharmaceuticals 118.0 4.2 24 145 Victor Haritonin an IPO, Yegor Kulkov 64 116.7 4.2 MICEX Finance 938 Nonpublic central bank UniCreditBank 65 -12 Channel Media 112.5 4.0 3 264 66 13 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo Sibuglemet Coal 112.5 4 , 0 64 567 Nonpublic Anatoly Skurov Valentin Bukhtoyarov, Alexander Shchukin, Vladimir Melnichenko 67 TAIF Chemicals and petrochemicals 4.0 112.5 Nonpublic Albert Shigabutdinov 68 25 Bank of Russia Bank 105.5 3.8 88 Nonpublic Yury Kovalchuk, Dmitry Gorelov, Nikolai Shamalov 69 -13 Eurocement Group Building materials 105.5 3.8 7 188 Nonpublic Filaret Galchev 70 -5 Irkutskenergo Power 103.9 3.7 17 301 Privatized Evrosibenergo, RusHydro 71 -16 Moscow Metro Transportation 102.6 3.6 1 615 Nonpublic Moscow government 72 3 CTC Media Media 102.6 3.6 34 232 Holding IPO Modern Times Group, Alfa-Group 73 -32 98.4 3.5 SCF Transport - 31 50 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo 74 -4 Alliance Oil Company Oil and gas 96.4 3.4 18 199 Holding IPO Alliance Group 75 -18 OGK-5 Electricity 3.3 94.1 -1 231 Reform of RAO Enel 76 Oboronprom Machinery 90.0 3.2 77 32 Nonpublic Technologies PSB Bank 89.3 3.2 112 253 Nonpublic Alexey and Dmitry Ananiev 78 -5 Vyksa Steel 87.8 3.1 18 579 Privatized OMC 79 6 Power Machines Energomashinostroyeniye 86.9 3.1 37 640 Privatized Mordashov 80 40 Okay Retail 86.5 3.1 120 Holding IPO Korzhev Dmitry, Dmitry Troitsky, Boris Volchek Intergeo 81 Mining 84 4 3.0 Nonpublic Mikhail Prokhorov, 82 -23 Maxim Finnish Russian Post Transportation 84.4 3.0 -16 +341 83 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo a Yandex Media 84.4 3.0 36 131 Nonpublic Ru-Net Holdings, Arkady Volozh 84 Globaltrans Transportation 84.0 3.0 40 895 Holding IPO H-2 H 85 trans-trans Transport 83.0 3.0 40 478 Nikita Mishin Nonpublic, Konstantin Nikolaev, Andrey Filatov 86 +10 Petropavlovsk Precious metals, mining 82.2 2.9 50 351 Paul Maslovsky an IPO, Peter Hambro 87 -11 Aeroflot Transportation 80.6 2.9 12 140 Privatized Federal Property Management Agency, the National Reserve Bank, 88 -5 Udmurtneft Oil and Gas 78 5 2.8 21 161 privatized Rosneft, Sinopec 89 Krasnoyarsk GES Power 77.5 2.8 196 1189 90 -19 Privatized Evrosibenergo MDM-Bank Bank 76.7 2.7 -3 +60 Nonpublic Sergei Popov, Igor Kim 91 11 Centertelecom Telecommunications 76.7 2.7 62 868 92 Svyazinvest privatized Mostotrest 74.4 2.6 Engineering an IPO, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg 93 48 Bank "Uralsib" Bank 74.0 2.6 76 + 291 Nikolai Tsvetkov, 94 -20 MOESK Power 72.7 2.6 -6 +94 Reform of RAO IDC Holding, Gazprom 95 -14 72.0 2.6 Aircraft OAK 14 96 -32 Rosimushchestvo TGC-1 Power 71.3 2 5 -17 427 RAO Gazprom reform 97 -30 RTR Media 70.3 2.5 -22 +178 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo 98 Russian Copper Company-ferrous metals 70.3 2.5 635 Nonpublic Altushkin Igor, Ruslan Baisarov 99 -41 Novorossiysk Commercial Port Transportation 69.9 2.5 -31 +88 Privatized Transneft Ziyavudin Magomedov 100 -12 Nomos-Bank Bank 67.4 2.4 14 242 Nonpublic Alexander Nesis, Alexei Gudaitis, Nikolai Dobrinov 101 -33 Kuzbassrazrezugol Coal 66.5 2.4 -33 347 Iskandar Makhmudov privatized, Andrei Bokarev 102 Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antei Machinery 66.1 2.4 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo 103 Tape Retail 66.1 2.4 488 Nonpublic August Meyer, TPG Aurora 104 STROYGAZMONTAZH Engineering 65.8 2.3 Nonpublic Arkady and Boris Rotenberg 105 -28 PIK Group Development 65.0 2.3 -13 +242 Holding IPO Suleiman Kerimov 106 UCL Holding Transport 64.7 2.3 Nonpublic Vladimir Lisin, 31 Euroset 107 Retail trade 64.7 2.3 92 Nonpublic Alexander Mamut, VimpelCom 108 5 Megalopolis (Mercury) Distribution 64.7 2.3 53 238 Nonpublic Igor Kesaev 109 -47 WGC-3 Power 64.1 2.3 - 28 134 Reform of RAO RAO UES 110 -3 Uralsvyazinform Telecommunications 63.5 2.3 52 409 111 -10 Svyazinvest privatized Southern Kuzbass Coal 62.6 2.2 24 372 112 -21 Privatized Mechel Rosgosstrakh Insurance 60 , 7 2.2 8 59 Nonpublic Danil and Sergey Khachaturov 113 -19 Slavneft-Megionneftegaz Oil and gas 60.4 2.1 10 223 114 privatized Slavneft Sheremetyevo Airport Transportation 59.1 2.1 Nonpublic Rosimushchestvo, Vnesheconombank, Aeroflot 115 -49 Bashkirenergo Power 59.1 2.1 5 518 Privatized Sistema 116 -12 Volga TGC (TGC-7) Power 59.1 2.1 17 575 Reform of RAO IES Holding 117 -25 Prof-Media Media 59.1 2.1 5 Nonpublic Vladimir Potanin 118 Etalon Development Group 59.1 2.1 Nonpublic Vyacheslav Zarenkov 119 -20 Akron Fertilizers 58.9 2.1 12 183 120 Privatized Kantor Siberian Business Union Coal 57.6 2.1 Nonpublic Michael Fedyaev, Vladimir Gridin 121 -11 Group Coke Coal 56.2 2.0 31 Nonpublic Boris, Eugene and Andrew Zubitsky 122 -4 Synthesis Group Oil and gas 56.2 2.0 43 Nonpublic Leonid Lebedev 123 -28 Itera Oil and gas 56.2 2.0 5 488 Nonpublic Igor Makarov, 124 29 Bank "Saint Petersburg" Bank 54.2 1.9 39 721 Holding IPO Alexander Saveliev 125 11 Transmashholding Machinery 53.1 1.9 58 178 Iskandar Makhmudov Nonpublic, Alstom 126 -29 Kamaz Automotive 52.7 1.9 4 282 Privatized Sergei Kogogin, Technologies 127 15 50.6 1.8 Telecommunications Volgatelecom 60 619 128 Svyazinvest privatized National Container Company Vehicles 50.6 1.8 80 129 First Quantum Nonpublic Rusagro Food 50.6 1.8 Conduct IPO Vadim Moschowitz 130 -25 Sibantratsit Coal 50.6 1.8 13 Nonpublic Dmitry bosses 131 -33 IDC Center Power 50.5 1.8 -6 Reform of RAO IDC Holding 132 -17 Ak Bars Bank 49.9 1.8 11 222 133 Government of Tatarstan Nonpublic -47 OGK-2 Power 49.4 1 8 -15 351 Reform of RAO Gazprom 134 23 M. Video Retail 48.2 1.7 60 417 Holding IPO Alexander and Michael Tynkovan Paul Breev 135 Ufaneftekhim Chemicals and petrochemicals 1.7 47.4 70 215 Privatized Bashneft 136 13 Sibirtelecom Telecommunications 47.3 1.7 65 737 Reform of RAO Svyazinvest 137 Avtovaz Automotive 46.9 1.7 127 266 privatized Renault-Nissan, Rostehologii 138 -21 Mikhailovsky GOK Mining 46.1 1 6 15 92 139 -49 Privatized Metalloinvest OGK-1 Power 45.5 1.6 -26 +229 Reform of RAO RAO UES Group 140 45.0 1.6 Development Tashir Nonpublic 60 141 6 Samvel Karapetyan ChTPZ Black Metals 45.0 1.6 53 551 142 Andrei Komarov Privatized FESCO Transport -10 44.6 1.6 31 141 143 Privatized Sergei Generalov -8 Renaissance Capital Finance 43.9 1.6 30 56 Nonpublic Stephen Jennings, 144 -44 OGK-6 Power 42.7 1.5 -9 +306 RAO Gazprom reform VK 145 Media 42.2 1.5 Nonpublic Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, Mail.ru Group 146 Kirov Plant Machinery 42.2 1.5 Privatized George Semenenko CHEMK 147 Iron and steel 42.2 1.5 Nonpublic Yuri Antipov, Alexander Aristov -23 148 Russian Standard Bank 41.1 1.5 7 83 Nonpublic Rustam Tariko 149 -37 Ingosstrakh Insurance 40.2 1.4 -5 20 Nonpublic Oleg Deripaska 150 40.2 1.4 Transportation Transcontainer an IPO of Russian Railways Telecommunications MGTS 151 -23 39.5 1.4 8 34 152 -46 privatized MTS Fortum (TGC-10) 39.4 Power 1 4 -13 -8 Reform of RAO 153 -30 Fortum Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA-ferrous metals 38.9 1.4 0 362 154 Privatized Technologies North-West Telecom Telecommunications 38.1 1.4 63 436 155 Svyazinvest privatized Nizhnekamskneftekhim Chemistry and Chemicals 36.8 1.3 40 365 156 -19 Privatized TAIF Kaspersky Lab Software 1.3 36.6 8 117 Nonpublic Evgeny Kaspersky, Natalya Kaspersky 157 NGOs Space Engineering 36.6 1.3 Nonpublic Andrei Chernyak Rudolf Kopylov 158 Novo-Ufa Refinery Chemicals and petrochemicals 1.3 35.5 54 125 159 Privatized Bashneft -25 AFI Development Development 35.4 1.3 120 7 an IPO, Lev Leviev, Alexander Khaldei 160 -20 Group Cherkizovo Food 35.4 1.3 5 1047 the IPO Family Igor Babaev 161 Messenger 1.3 35.2 Retail Maxim Nonpublic Marigold 162 -3 Troika Dialog Finance 35.2 1.3 25 39 163 Nonpublic Savings Vnukovo Airport Transportation 35.0 1.2 Nonpublic Government of Moscow, Leo Kvetnoy 164 Petrocommerce Bank 34.9 1.2 Nonpublic IFD Kapital 165 Novoroscement Building materials 34.0 1.2 Nonpublic Leo Kvetnoy 166 -39 Salavat Petrochemical Gazprom Chemicals and petrochemicals 33 9 1.2 -35 5 167 privatized pension funds Gazfond Dixie Retail 33.8 1.2 27 567 168 Mercury Holding IPO United Confectioners Food 33.7 1.2 Nonpublic Yuri Gushchin, Artem Kuznetsov Transaero 169 Transportation 33 , 7 1.2 Nonpublic Alexander and Olga Pleshakova 170 -62 Togliattiazot Fertilizers 32.4 1.2 -28 -51 Privatized Vladimir Makhlai, Uralchem ​​171 -21 RESO-Guarantee Insurance 32.3 1.2 +5 -18 Nonpublic Sergey and Nikolai Sarkisov 172 -26 IDC Center and Volga Power 32.2 1.1 12 Reform of RAO IDC Holding 173 -57 TGC-9 Power 32.2 1.1 -26 +251 Reform of RAO IES Holding 174 Ingeocom Engineering 30.9 1.1 Nonpublic Family Rudyak 175 Miratorg Food 30.9 1.1 Nonpublic Viktor Linnik, Alexander and Volga IDC Power 176 30.4 1.1 28 Reform of RAO 177 IDC Holding Credit Bank of Moscow Bank 30.0 1.1 Nonpublic Roman Avdeev 178 Parallels Software 28.1 1.0 Nonpublic Serguei Beloussov, Ilya Zubarev 179 Prodimeks Food 28.1 1.0 Nonpublic Igor Hudokormov 180 Rs 28.1 1.0 Finance Nonpublic Troika Dialog, Aton, Alfa Bank, 181 - 57 SIA International Distribution 28.1 1.0 -28 +194 Nonpublic Igor Rudinsky 182 -22 Ural Platinum Holding Precious Metals 28.1 1.0 0 Nonpublic Viktor Vekselberg, 183 -54 Uralchem ​​Fertilizers 28.1 1.0 -23 Nonpublic Dmitry Mazepin FC 184 "Opening" Finance 28.1 1.0 Nonpublic Vadim Belyaev, Boris Mints 185 El Dorado Retail 28.1 1.0 194 Nonpublic PPF Group, Igor Yakovlev 186 Energostroyinvest holding 28.1 Engineering 1.0 Nonpublic Alexander Abramov and Alexander Frolov Russia South 187 Food 28.1 1.0 188 Nonpublic Sergey Kislov Yuzhuralzoloto Precious Metals 28.1 1.0 Nonpublic Konstantin Strukov