Alexei Sitnikov, "The issue areas - minor matters»

Alex, what about the innovative partnership arrangements do you consider major? - There are several areas of cooperation, one of them - the involvement of key partners, especially international ones. Typically, these companies are interested in opening R & D-centers (Research & Development - Research and Development - "F."), and we are moving well in this direction. Signed cooperation agreements with corporations Microsoft, Cisco, Siemens, Boeing, Nokia, Intel. Negotiations are underway with companies Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, Schlumberger, Dupont, Enel. Each company is interested in a particular direction of work, for example, Microsoft intends to develop software for modeling and analysis in science and technology to create tools for streamlining business processes. The Corporation will cooperate with leading Russian universities, to provide grants to implement good ideas in Skolkovo. In the memoranda recorded performance scale co-operation? - Sometimes yes, sometimes no. For example, all have heard that Cisco is ready to invest in Russian projects to $ 1 billion, but in fact the sum is divided into Drafts, and in the first year of investment will amount to several million. Important figures resolve major international corporations to combine their efforts in R & D from our center. Of course, all the results of R & D will belong to them, but they will participate in building the infrastructure, we pereymem their rich experience in how to properly engage in research and development. Does the number of employees R & D-center? - In principle, R & D-center with a staff of 100 people considered to be more at Microsoft, for example, will have about 20 employees. It is important to reach critical mass as a whole, we would like to see "Skolkovo" a few thousand people employed in R & D. More specifically, could seize it, all will depend on our infrastructure capabilities and partners' needs. We are ready to help laboratories, facilities, speed up customs procedures, for example, to accelerate the delivery of equipment to Russia to create a reagent farmissledovaniya. You see the interest of domestic companies? - Although we have not started formal procedures for selecting projects, applied to us for several hundred domestic companies. Our methodology, which will consider the applications, assign them appropriate status, pass the final stage of negotiation. Legitimate interest in showing IT-company, biomedicine. We plan to build two communication channels, in the first place, will be initiated by companies themselves. Second, it will form clusters, which create their own structure for peer review of projects and cooperation with scientific advisory board will develop priorities. When will the selection of projects in the "Skolkovo"? - By the end of this year. It is planned to sign a memorandum of understanding in the field of R & D-centers with large Russian companies? - Their attitude towards us mixed. Recognized as a leader "Skolkovo" is not required, and so they are engaged in research, updating its product line. A main principle of "Skolkovo" - owes nothing to impose. No need to rely on the leaders of the size of the share capital, earnings, we need leaders in the number of innovative ideas. And financial, and geography "Skolkovo" - a small project. So we consciously make a bet on the leaders, singling out those who have the opportunity and desire. All we did not cover. And the problem of large companies - to make money. How many of the alleged billionaire Viktor Vekselberg, responsible for the emergence of innovation city, 85 billion rubles will be spent on investment, how much - for the construction of the city? - While we are in the planning stage, yet nothing has been decided. I can only say that everything is done efficiently and inexpensively. And the information as soon, will be announced soon. The only logic lifecycle fund "Skolkovo" differs from the conventional. Over time in the fund should decrease. If you look at Silicon Valley, there is a Stanford University and private companies, but there is a Vekselberg. Our task - to launch innovations, which is why we create industry clusters - "hubs" - to bring the projects they support and development. It is assumed that as the clusters go into some of the company, the role of the fund disappears. Work on the investment ekosredy will be borne by universities and public organizations. A fund will act as a receptionist - to give the tenant a key from the office. By law, up to 2014 projects "Skolkovo" can be registered anywhere in Russia, but from 2014 the first required to reside in Skolkovo. To have a project, "prikipevshy" the place for three years, will be forced to move, only to meet the letter of the law? - Yes, now the principle of extraterritoriality, we obtain a virtual Skolkovo, which will allow to debug procedures regimes, tax, customs, emigration Benefits. But the move is optional for those who started work before 2014, the presence will be voluntary. Simply, we are confident that projects will work more effectively in "Skolkovo" thanks to the infrastructure, the concentration of scientific personnel. All planned under the "Skolkovo" land is going to fund? - The issue of the territories - the tenth, few people are interested. We do know one thing for the allocation of land will build the necessary buildings. The debate goes around the design, architectural features, the sequence of erection of buildings. For example, there is no consensus about what is required in the first place - a platform for communication, clusters, incubators. Until the end of 2010 the fund from the state budget should be transferred to 4 billion rubles. The money received? - All obligations fulfilled on time. How are the negotiations with South Korea, Ukraine? - Korean companies, which are traditionally strong in the commercialization, invited "Skolkovo" President Dmitry Medvedev. We already have experience of cooperation with Korea in the field of innovation: Russian scientists working in the optical center of Seoul, which developed advanced medical devices. On the other hand, Korea is also interested in the commercialization, so we are not only partners but also competitors. But they, like anyone else, understands the potential of our human capital, the potential for commercialization. So we felt a keen interest in them, but specific proposals yet. A similar situation with Japanese companies. With regard to Ukraine, during the last meeting, Medvedev and Yanukovych had agreed to cooperate in the development of innovative legislation. The Verkhovna Rada is actively communicates with us. We consider the idea of ​​a joint innovation centers, such as Kharkov. Who will be examination of the projects? After all, the scientific advisory board involved only men of science, there are no representatives from the business of science. - Must be. The main criterion for the expert - the ability to evaluate the potential of scientific development. It is in this we differ from other development institutions, we are willing to support projects with neprorabotannymi business plans that have not undergone selection in the "RUSNANO" or RVC. The role of the ANC - to identify further the list of experts, development priorities. As "Skolkovo" working with "RUSNANO" RVC? Do not duplicate the functions you each other? - We complement each other perfectly. For example, RVC - a fund of funds, the average degree of the scale of projects, their progress to the stage of industrial production. "RUSNANO" invests in the most completed projects, this fund the final stage, with the observed criterion for the presence of nanotechnology. We first create an ecosystem, infrastructure, and hunt for interesting high-risk projects. Your legal experts and lawyers involved in the development of innovative legislation? - Of course. The main problem - the definition of innovation status, a description of its existence under the law. We have to support new forms of life in the Russian economy, using the best legal developments or creating new ones. I'm sure that later on we come to the new legal status - a limited partnership that is abroad Limited Partnership (Partnership, which includes a general partner in charge of daily management of the company, and limited partners - "F."). In general, lawyers can always find a job. Very good, that a law on Skolkovo, now we do not work on private instructions, and within the law. This is very important.