The content is determined by the Bank adopted

Content is determined by the Bank adopted the concept of development finance, strategic objectives, which reveal the basic directions of the formation, distribution and use of financial resources and a set of activities undertaken by governments to achieve their goals. Financial policy is a system of long-term financial performance goals and how best to achieve them. Financial policies have a significant influence on the overall economic development policy of the bank. Tactical financial planning activities of the bank - is the process of finding optimal solutions to financial problems within the bank's strategic financial goals of the bank. The objective of this plan is to assess the current prospects of the banking business and planning its activities, to most efficiently and with maximum profit use of available resources, given the potential market opportunities. The need for tactical planning is determined by the importance of developing financial plans that allow the bank to identify sources of funding for the coming period, to form the structure of revenues and expenses include the construction of its assets and liabilities at the end of the planning period. As a rule, the formation of two types of financial plans of the bank - balance and income and expense plan. The main disadvantage of the financial plans of the bank is their unfounded and inaccurate due to unresolved fundamental questions: what resources and how to use to achieve their goals. Budget - a financial plan covering all activities of the organization and allows us to compare all the costs incurred and results in financial terms for the coming period as a whole and for individual subperiods. Describing the function of budgets, we should note that they act as: 1. Economic Outlook - key planning decisions are taken in the development of strategic financial plan, budget process, in essence, is the processing of these forecasts, and 2. basis for the control - as in budget implementation plans are recorded actual results of operations of the bank. Comparing actual performance with planned, you can perform so-called budgetary control 3. means of coordination - the budget is expressed in terms of value of the bank plan, 4. basis for the formulation of the problem - developing a budget for the next period, you need to decide well in advance of the activities during this period. Topic: Fundamentals of Financial Management Bank