Managing the process of forming the bank's securities portfolio

Definition of objectives and the type of financial investment portfolio, implementing the chosen policy allows us to go directly to the formation of the securities portfolio by including the relevant securities. The principles of portfolio management: the yield (income as foreign exchange, interest and dividends), security, growth investments, the principle of ensuring the implementation of investment policy (the relationship formed by the securities portfolio and the bank's strategy in the field of securities transactions), ensuring compliance portfolio investment resources, optimization of the ratio of return and risk on the basis of specific priorities in project portfolio, optimizing the yields and liquidity, manageability portfolio. We define the basic content of the individual stages of management of a portfolio of securities. Stage 1 - evaluation of investment properties of individual securities. Evaluation of investment properties of individual securities traded in the market, is a preliminary step in the portfolio. It represents an integral characteristic of certain types of securities by an investor with the objectives of the portfolio securities. The investor, based on the goals they formed an investment policy, details the advantages and disadvantages of different types of financial instruments. Category: Management Operations Commercial Bank | Tags: Process Control