Safety and fire prevention

Based on the analysis of environmental conditions in the bank can conclude that this space in terms of putting elektronebezpeky is "no increased risk." The room is set twenty computers and ten printers, five phones, one electric. All the equipment is operated under voltage 220V and a new one. Computer three-wire network is an isolated line in order to work everyday devices did not lead to malfunction of computer equipment. The bank bought a generator-diesel - power output of 30 kW. Feeding occurs from two substations. In order to prevent loss or corruption of data used by UPS and the individual household outlet and voltage converter, whose work is based on the accumulation on the batteries to 200V. The computers are connected to the mains through socket connections. The room used both types of protection against electric shock: Earth and vanishing. Inside the bank re-routed bus protective earthing (grounding conductor), which has a metal compound with a grounded neutral electrical systems. Re safety ground bus is available for inspection. Immersion is due to three-band outlet. On the remarkable city established emergency backup switch Category: TECHNICAL ISSUES OF WORK | Tags: Safety, work