Ratio of net income to economic capital (RAROC), as well as liquidity, credit risk, foreign exchange exposure, indicators of investment, duration, etc. Indicator RAROC - risk is adjusted for the return on equity (Risk Adjusted Return On Capital) was first introduced in 1994, "Benkerz trust" and is currently used by banks around the world. Further modifications were introduced RAROC, which are called: - RORAC - return on equity, adjusted for risk, (Return On Risk-Adjusted Capital) - RARORAC-risk-adjusted return on equity, calculated taking into account the risks (Risk-Adjusted Return On Risk- Adjusted Capital) Index is a combination of indicators RARORAC RAROC and RORAC. With these parameters determined by the profitability of banking products, business, customers, etc. risk-based. This allows you to: - a comparison of different businesses, products, customers, projects and distribution channels of banking products that allows you to select the most effective ones - risk management and profitability of calculation units. This is calculated as the ratio between net income and economic (risk) capital. Net profit is calculated as the difference between revenues, costs (including income tax) and expected losses, which are formed under the relevant provisions Topic: Analysis of controlling