Worldwide management

In the fierce competition that accompanies the development of market economy, it is necessary to continuously improve systems and forms of governance, quickly master the accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge to find new creative solutions in a dynamic situation. Only such an approach to management provides a win in a competitive environment, or at least subject to the normal development of a commercial bank. Thus, the bank management - a set of principles, forms, methods and tools for managing bank in market conditions, the science of safe and effective process control systems and relationships that constitute the bank's activities, leadership, cadres and the banking institutions. The ultimate objective of bank management - ensuring the profitability of the bank through a rational organization of production, including management of the bank and the development of technical and technological base, as well as effective use of human resources while enhancing the skills, creativity and loyalty of every employee. Purpose - to study financial management of the bank. Objective of the study, formulated and solved to achieve the objective of: 1. consider the basics of financial management of the bank, including the financial management of the bank, the planning process in the bank system and methods of financial analysis, system and methods of internal financial control, 2. consider the management operations of commercial banks, in particular the nature and management of assets and liability management, loan portfolio management, portfolio management of the bank, management of banking risks (credit risk management, management of currency risk, interest rate risk management), management of bank liquidity management, bank profitability 3. Consider the financial management on the example of JSCB "Pravex", in particular the Bank "Pravex" as a bank on a national scale, asset and liability management Pravex, risk management Pravex, credit portfolio management Pravex, portfolio management Pravex bank, interbank business Pravex, payment cards Pravex, management of retail business JSCB "Pravex", Human Resource Management Pravex, financial analysis Pravex 4. consider health and safety as an example of JSCB "Pravex", in particular characterization facilities, analysis of working conditions, measures to improve working conditions. Topic: Risks in Banking