The state registration of newly property and property rights to it for its initial registration shall be held within 10 working days from receipt by the state registration of all necessary documents. The state registration of rights to property that occurred after the initial registration (current registration), as well as charges stemming from the mortgage (mortgage) of the property, and other encumbrances, except those listed in the third paragraph of this article shall be held within 10 working days from date of receipt by the state registration of all necessary documents. State registration of charges stemming from the judicial and law enforcement and tax authorities shall, within five working days of receipt by the state registration of necessary documents. Refusal of state registration is possible in cases where 1) are legal documents do not support the right to property and encumbrances, which requires registration of the mortgagor, and 2) there is no property or not conducted a full complex of works on its technical inventory and issued the passport of the property 3) the property is not eligible for registration on the territory of the registration district, and 3) property is not completed construction and put into operation in accordance with legislation, and 4) buildings and structures are of a temporary appointment, and 5) on other grounds provided by law. On the refusal of state registration of the state registrar, within three working days after the decision by writing, notify the applicant. After recognition of the documents conform, the Registrar's records, EGRP. Since the introduction of these records law (burden of law) - that is the origin, transfer or termination of this - is considered registered. After the state registration of rights on the relevant title documents state registrar a record in the inscription on the state registration of ownership of immovable property. If the documents of title is not a place to put the registration label on the state registration of rights, the applicant is issued a registration certificate, which is an integral part of the title document. Category: Klasifikatsiya real estate | Tags: State registration