Implementation of controlling the banks

Implementation of controlling the banks involves the development of a special program (the definition of shapes, types, timing, implementation, decision-makers, etc.), its methodological and organizational support, as well as implementation of measures for controlling the actual establishment of the service). To create the service is necessary to prepare the position of controlling her, whose structure can be represented schematically as follows: objectives, functions and objectives of the service, subject and object of controlling bank and the principles of the service, the direction of its activities taking into account links with other parts of the bank's rights and responsibilities of supervisors . The situation will determine the basic organizational aspects of the service controlling. The structure of the position is a list of tasks that require priority action by the leadership in the implementation of this service. In the position should be added to the controller code, which establishes the qualifications and organizational requirements for it. Professional requirements. Controlling office should be staffed by professionally qualified personnel suitable to possess a knowledge of the banking business and have extensive practical experience in the bank. The controller must have a basic knowledge of financial and managerial accounting, strategic and operational planning, information technology, financial and organizational management at the bank. Organizational requirements. The controller must be inherent in organizational skills and people skills, communication skills, tolerance, ie Tolerance for other opinions and judgments, as well as the ability to store confidential information about the subdivisions. Topic: Improvement of controlling