Vvospriyatie market, such as current or potential clients, counterparties, shareholders (members); Vvospriyatie regulatory agencies such as National Bank, State Commission on Securities and Stock Market State Tax Administration and other authorized bodies. Legal risk - this is an existing or potential risk to earnings and capital, which arises from the breach or non-bank requirements of laws, regulations, agreements, customary practices or ethical standards, as well as the possibility of ambiguous interpretation. Banking institutions are legal risk due to the fact that they have relationships with a large number of interested parties such as customers, counterparties, intermediaries, etc., supervisors, tax and other authorized bodies. Legal risk can lead to the payment of fines and administrative penalties, the need for monetary damages, the deterioration of the reputation, the deterioration of the bank's position in the market, narrowing opportunities for development and reducing opportunities for the legal enforcement of agreements. Strategic risk - existing or potential risk to earnings and capital, which is due to improper management decisions, improper implementation of decisions and inadequate response to changes in business environment. This risk arises from the incompatibility of the bank's strategic objectives as well - developed business strategies and resources employed to achieve these objectives, the quality of their implementation. So, the issue of risks in banking activities exist always, necessarily accompanied by a high yield risk. In practice, banks there are many different risks. But because the loans are still the most bank assets, including all varieties of risks in banking credit risk is its determinant. Category: News