Agricultural production: the ruin and the path to prosperity

Agricultural production - is unique in its kind industry. All other industries are essentially consuming, they are only able to transfer a substance from one state to another, for example, ore - metal - car and crops - wheat - bread, or something to turn to dust created by the Earth for centuries and Goals (production and consumption of gas, oil). Only in agriculture in the process of photosynthesis by gratuitous solar energy is not a process of transformation, but the emergence of a new substance, which gives the basis of all things on earth. Food security for the public suveriniteta mean much more than military hardware. How did that this basic industry in Russia was in a situation of terrible in its consequences to ruin? This ruin is not so obvious only in the vicinity of cities. The process put in 1990, when exactly in the off-season cash working capital component of the village, designed for the upcoming planting season, was practically zeroed after intentionally organized an unprecedented jump in prices. Filling them went exclusively through credit resource whose price has reached 210% per annum. After a sudden increase in lending rates, it can be proved mathematically rigorous, the first assembly of the national economy falls industry with a long period of capital turnover, which belongs to agricultural production. Since agriculture was exactly what the inevitable and should have happened, because the interest on the loan by almost two orders of magnitude higher turnover rate of return of capital in the production of an annual cycle. Since that time comes, "doedanie" fixed assets, depreciation of which exceeded all conceivable limits. In order to reveal the substance of the anti-peasant deliberate provocation should appoint the Chairman of the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance Directors of virtual farming industries working in the financial atmosphere they created. Write them ideal weather and other conditions, and let them explain to the leaders of the village, as, even when fully under ideal conditions, it should make both ends meet, or at least survive purely physiological. At the same time actively going process of disorganization and disintegration of agriculture. Single directive driven, technologically complex tallies were divided into many separate legal entities, interdependent, but not coordinated with each other in the horizontal branch of government. Profit of one of them is always a loss for another. At the same time the country's leadership to hope that all the abstract market will adjust and regulate. However, it is known that the unregulated market will inevitably set to maximum profitability and prosperity to lenders, manufacturers of alcohol, tobacco, etc. In an unregulated market efficiency is always reduced from the counter to the ground. For example, the feed mill can always secure a higher return in relation to poultry, as can feed and lie down, but the chickens need food every day and buying it has to poultry at any price. All these schemes ruin domestic Russian villages are compounded by geopolitical events, characteristic of the "global village". Phenomenon of it is that, as you know, all countries directly subsidize agriculture, or use indirect subsidy schemes and support. (For example: Japan - 80%, Finland - 70%, U.S. - not less than 40%). This is due to competition and the struggle for the market. The fact that the agricultural technology, as opposed to say on the missile, aircraft, etc., have access to almost all countries of the world. The sun on one of the water, too. Therefore, developed countries have deliberately set the price disparity, understating the prices of agricultural products, thereby trying to oust the country of similar products of a competitor. In this case arise in other sectors of the surplus by means of special circuits are pumped at the state level in agriculture. Countries that do not understand this algorythmics doomed to collapse of the national economic complex, in violation of food safety. Offers the same individual reformers cease agricultural production due to its "loss ratio" must be preceded by plans for a large part of the population living in the vast spaces that do not have any other technology, except for land, water and sun. State redistribution of financial flows in favor of agriculture subsidies can not be named correct to call them compensation, which simply restore the status quo and put the farmer work on a par with labor in other industries. Only under these conditions, intelligent, hard-working man can have wealth that is associated with the way he works, but not to where it was attached. Only under these conditions can be expected to complete the coherent development of national economy of the country, its balanced staffing. You can have a competition within, but the introduction of inter-industry competition for the flow of personnel, for example, between Gazprom, the banking usury and labor farmer - this is complete madness. Indeed, Gazprom and the oil companies consume what created the energy of the sun on the Earth over millions of years, lenders have incomes that are proportional lending rate to be determined at will by the same banking sector, and the farmer is satisfied with the fact that the sun gives in response to his hard work over one season. Alignment conditions of existence of sectors may solely on the basis of a reasonable tax-subsidy policy, because the income from raw materials and insane profits of the banking sector should be a national property and build a decent life of the people. Our government does not want to understand these basic truths, and so we have plenty is not determined by labor and industry affiliation. Instead of the required compensation to agriculture, all the talk about subsidies, forgetting previously created an artificial disparity in prices. It is only during the years of "perestroika" and increase the already disproportionate prices for agricultural products is 5 times slower than the growth in prices for many manufactured goods, including agricultural land. Compare the pre-perestroika and the current prices: a liter of gasoline cost 7 kopecks., A dozen eggs - 90 cents, and now the same gasoline - 23 rubles. Here's a visual, clear technology ruin. Price Leapfrog, the conversion of rubles into pennies, thousand-scale change in prices - it's just a smokescreen, concealing mechanisms insane disparities in wages of different categories of workers in the prices of different commodity groups, etc. Amazed that we still eat the shell egg and egg powder is not humanitarian, as apparently was planned by architects of perestroika. Nine years ago, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" (№ 41 from 16.10.2001, the 330) published an article "The village will be treated for lack of money" based on the meeting of the State Council in Orenburg. Indebtedness of farmers in 12 times the balance sheet profit of the agricultural sector and is 255 billion rubles. It is theoretically unsolvable situation indicates that the cure must not set, and the leaders of the financial and economic blocks of the country who continue to defend the financial priorities of the usury of the labor of the peasant. The federal budget provided for up to 800 million rubles in compensation for two thirds of the Central Bank interest rates on bank loans of agriculture, to ensure conservation of volumes is impossible to recover from the peasant usurious looting. As a result, the official Russian banks made profits for the 11 months of 2002, 696.9 billion rubles, and the loss of high-yield agriculture in 2002 increased by 60 billion and amounted to 350 billion rubles. On the return of such debts, even if the interest is frozen, take at least 50 years. This is happening at a time when the United States during 2001, lower lending rates 8 times and bring it to 1.2% pa, England reduces rates six times, Japan has reduced it from 0.15% to 0%. Explain to me what kind of free competition can say, if a major grain processing corporation kreditoemkaya because of the seasonal nature of work has loans of RUR 500 million and pay lenders $ 3.5 million per year, worth tens or even hundreds of times greater than costs of this article with Western competitors. A detailed analysis of the technology allows the ruin of the village without much difficulty to identify ways to turn away from ruin to prosperity. The first prerequisite - it is a serious change "financial climate" in the country. Make tomorrow refinancing rate 3%, and one of the financiers will not need to agitate for a turn to the real sector. All the bankers will be forced to operate in mutual funds and do not disfigure the city incredible architecture of the granite and burnished glass, and equip themselves modest rooms in the production and above all in its base the agricultural sector. If we intend to keep Russia as a sovereign nation, we must stop the murderous bank usury, perform calculations, and input-output equations to prove mathematically rigorous fiscal and compensation policies to ensure the coherent development of national economy of the country. Moreover, all sectors, including agriculture, must be in human resources, financially attractive as well.