Community service economy and its underlying principles

The economy is divided into two fundamentally different types. She can teach both the individual entrepreneur or structure to fill their own pockets without regard to social welfare, and may put at the forefront of the formation of a decent life for most residents, strengthen and develop their genetics. In the latter case, the distinction between economy in the whole spectrum of society's needs, the degradation due to parasitic and demographic components. The first of these is not predictable in principle, due to the depravity of individuals, distortions and lack of sense of proportion. Satisfaction of these needs leads to the oppression of the individual and the genetics of his family or the people around him and the biosphere as a habitat. As for the biosphere caused a demographically valid needs, they firmly and unambiguously related to the size and age structure of living, and therefore precisely planned and predictable. Western attempts to explore the economic processes in line with the "pure science" out of sociology, politics and morality led to the formation of social science, "Economics." American textbooks and encyclopedias we define it as the science of using limited resources in order to meet the material needs of society unrestricted, which can not be predicted. In contrast to these pointless studies (Bring it, I do not know that) in the public benefit the economy through exactly fixed due to demographic needs is uniquely determined by the vector (list) the objectives of government. Meet other purposes is not blocked by administrative diktat, but is derived from the category of public issues in the list of problems some perverse individuals. Fixing the vector targets socially useful control allows you to navigate to the formation of the balance of production and development of each political subdivision (Federal District, region, district), both in kind and in the financial accounting products. Mathematically, this balance is described by a system of linear equations that reflect the processes of products for each of the branches with all the other sectors and with the resident population. The meaning of search optimization solutions of this system of equations is reduced to ensure that each of the industries to produce products as much as it should for all other related industries (intermediate, raw materials, components) and for the direct satisfaction of demographically-related needs. Since the latter is strictly fixed, then the system has a solution, unlike the case of "bigger is better." During this task taxes and subsidies are calculated as a rigorous mathematical correction factors for the products produced in excess (local taxes) and the products produced in the lack of (local grants). It is this reduced the possibility of purposeful state regulation of market economy. Plan and market in a reasonable state never opposed to each other, but rather are interrelated elements of a unified economic mechanism. One of them relates to the structural and the second - to unstructured methods of control. Similar approaches to the formation of a balanced development of territorial-administrative systems are not revelations. For the development of such approaches at the time still Leontief received the Nobel Prize, although the primary motivation of the award, in our opinion, is the fact that he is in favor of the West proved the impossibility of a unique solution. The difference with our approach is just that Leontiev did not come to understand the possibilities of setting up gosmehanizma to meet the exact needs of the lock-in caused a demographically and that's why come to conclusions about the impossibility of solving system input-output due to uncertainty in consumption. Once formed the mechanisms for regional governance, there are grounds for real government in the highest echelons of power, which in essence boils down to a single note in the balance of surplus and deficit of all products and services produced in the regions. Based on these data as strictly mathematically calculated the taxes on goods and services provided in excess, and grants submitted to the deficit. After completion of the formation of national balance of industries obtained raw data for the mathematical calculation of customs duties and of the introduction of duty-free goods, which have a nationwide shortage. Customs duties imposed on goods produced in the country should not only create a healthy competitive conditions, but also purposefully protectionist directed to the development of the sector of domestic production for the formation of the prospects of its output to a competitive level, or on conversion to other products. If the import of a product associated with the imminent bankruptcy of some large companies or entire industries (eg, poultry), the amount of funds received from customs duties, must exceed the total damage nationwide losses associated with the restructuring of production, with creation of an equivalent amount of new jobs, unemployment benefits, etc. In summary, the essence of the proposed algorithm can be expressed by the formula of integrated technologically closed agro-industrial complexes in the balanced development of regions in order to create a single national economic complex on the principle of self-sustaining State superkontserna. However, such a state must have adequate economic substance principles of construction and management. Territorial-administrative structure of government should be based on the principles of the economic feasibility of establishing a categorical exception of administrative boundaries based on ethnicity. National borders - is a symbol of conceptually define the state, a time bomb, triggered at the right time through the heating ambitions of national "elites." The boundaries of the administrative entities should be calculated from the position as full satisfaction of all needs - living in the area at the expense of their own capabilities to optimize production costs, transportation costs on the basis of territorial and technologically closed systems. The principles of production and transport, social infrastructure must be subordinated to create the best conditions of the population with the necessary assurance of society and the planet's biosphere. As an ideal, you must accept the family home in a comfortable house mansion type with a garden and vegetable garden under the windows in the village with a diameter less than 10 miles from any point within an hour of which have the ability to be living in the countryside. Living in the concrete jungle of cities-cities, in the absence of feedbacks from the biosphere is a travesty of genetics and the human psyche, blocking his opposition to the tendencies to self-destruction of humanity as a species. Conceptually independent state should have a vertical administration built on the principle of direct appointment and dismissal of the direct lower-level managers responsible for implementing the concept of national programs, programs for regional development. Number of territorial administrative units should provide realistic control, while at the head of any rank, including heads of state, must close 7.9 direct reports, and not 89, as was until recently the highest echelons of power in Russia. All the democratic process and selected based on these leaders should not be used in professional administration and of public control and in the formation of a vector of social development goals. A situation where based on elective procedures forms a management body, endowed with the powers of the executive power in the system of administrative decisions under the current state of information society, deliberately flawed. Elective procedures were under a business establishment in ancient times, when every voter had personal experience of candidates, acquired as a result of joint activities, joint military campaigns. That is, based on experience from the battlefield, armed detachment meaningfully defined sovereignty-over to live in peace in the region. Currently, elective procedures are nothing more than a screen, through which lies the true mechanism for selecting and promoting cadres. The alleged rivalry between the contenders in fact reduces the financial and competitive imidzhmeykerskoy promoting their clans, and the crowd chooses not from specific people, and of artificially generated images that are far from original. Any of the candidates who have come in such a scheme to power, just does not have the capacity or authority to make decisions for the good of the territory entrusted to him, because under the terms of elective procedures and financial information supports it must work invested in his election campaign huge financial resources. So in reality, only one vote is determined by the clan, or a bunch of clans, who will get priority access to budget funds and to parasitize on the population of the region.