The concept and structure of the global economy

The modern world is characterized by the intensification of the social development of relations and cooperation between countries. The trend toward unification caused by the need decision facing the world of global challenges, such as the threat of nuclear holocaust, environmental issues, health and space. But the deepest foundation to strengthen the integrity of the world is the growing interdependence of nations in the economic sphere. No country can claim to full development, unless drawn into the system of world economic relations. In general, the emergence of the global economy objectively defined laws governing the development of production and the international division of labor, total involvement in the process of reproduction of all new countries, the transformation of world trade in one of the most important factors of economic growth, meeting the needs of national economies and populations in a variety of products and services. The world economy is a complex system that includes many of its constituent elements. The basis of this system form the international framework and the limited domestic production of certain material and spiritual values, their distribution, exchange and consumption. Each of these phases of the reproductive process of the world both globally and within individual states, depending on their location and the proportion of overall impact on the functioning of the entire global economic system. In this connection it is necessary to define the term "global economy". The world economy - is a combination of different trends, factors and means of trade - economic, monetary - financial, industrial and scientific - technical cooperation between countries. In the development of the modern world economy and its involvement in national economies are several periods. First period - is 20 - 30th years of the twentieth century, characterized by the crisis in the development of world economy. First, the revolution in Russia and the change of political system led to the temporary exit from the Russian system of world economic relations. Also occurred deep socio - economic crisis of the world economy associated with the effects of the First World War, "The Great Depression" in the U.S.. The second period of the world economy - the end of the 40s - 80s of the twentieth century - is characterized by rapid growth of export business capital of the world economy. During this time, the growth of foreign production has a major impact on organizational - economic parameters of the global economy. Major role in industrial relations have become TNCs, which formed the international industrial complexes, including the creation of products and their implementation, the calculations lending. The third period extends from the 90s of the twentieth century to the present. It is characterized by an increase in degree of development of geographical space, the formation of international production forces, increased economic interaction and interdependence, integration processes. Looking at the structure of the global economy, there are three main levels: 1. The level of international regulation. This level includes a variety of international organizations (IMF, WTO, etc.) 2. Various forms of international economic relations. Main areas: goods, services, labor resources, the currency market and securities market, credit relations, technology, etc. 3. The level of state regulation. It is also necessary to identify the main groups of factors that lead to the emergence and development of world economy: 1. The group of natural factors. This includes a variety of climatic conditions, the level of soil fertility and structure, presence and amount of certain types of natural resources. Since the last decades have seen a significant increase in output, and kinds of products, the emergence of new industries and types of production, especially the increasing demand for raw materials, which in one country may be significantly limited. From this follows the need to export and import of various natural resources, which naturally leads to the development of world economy. 2. Quantitative indicators of the factors of production. Production costs of any type of product is made up of complex cost of basic factors of production: labor, land, and capital. Each of these factors has its own price, which varies in different countries, in addition, the proportion of each of these factors vary in the cost of different products. As a result, all of this encourages the development of international trade and financial relations. 3. Dimensions of markets. The output is the most effective method for mass production. Therefore, as a result of the development of specialized mass production in some sectors of the world economy poses the problem of marketing. The volume of production often exceeds the capacity of the domestic market and are one of the causes release of this product to foreign markets. All this leads to the development of world economy. 4. The international division of labor. MRI is a specialization of individual countries for certain kinds of productive activities: the production of certain goods, services, development of new technologies, which are then sold on world markets. 5. Provision of new knowledge and technologies. Different scientific - technical information, new technologies appear as a special specific commodity, the demand for which has recently been growing steadily in the global market. In international practice, all of these groups of factors closely interact with each other, and they generally necessitate the participation of countries in the world economy. The higher the level of economic development, the more it participates in the international division of labor and ERI. The international community is united states with their national and economic identity. The main criteria for distinguishing different economic systems, are the possibilities of using advanced technology and production technology, as well as the degree of mastery of the principles of market economy device. According to the classification features can be identified "industrialized" and "newly industrialized" countries, "high state", exporting raw materials and energy, the least developed and poorest countries in the world. Distinguish between countries with developed, developing economies, as well as non-market economy. To compare the achievements of using outcome indicator - gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. GDP - is the total market value of the total final output of goods and services in the economy for a year without the cost of intermediate goods. Despite attempts by some states to live in conditions of national economic self-sufficiency ("autarky"), the movement of goods, services, de ¬ tender payments is stronger erected barriers. In the 21st century, in an era of high technology, globalization and integration of self-sufficiency contrary to the needs of countries and the international community as a whole. Therefore, going beyond national boundaries is based on the needs of the country's domestic problems through foreign relations. Therefore, the efforts of governments and other authorities to ensure the reasonableness and consistency of the various international contacts. The modern world economy is nonuniform. It includes the state, characterized by social structures, political systems, levels of development of productive forces and production relations, as well as the nature, scope and methods of international economic relations