Features of the organization's anti-crisis policy of the company personnel

Staff policy developed by the personnel service (also HR, from the English. Human Resources - Human Resources) of the enterprise, which includes a set of specialized units in the structure of the company (engaged in them with officials - managers, professionals, technical staff) designed to manage the plant personnel in the selected personnel policies [2]. The objectives of HR-services company, caught in a crisis, will be: diagnosis of human resources company, participation in the development strategy of business reorganization, as well as the removal of its crisis, develop targeted HR programs, activities aimed at improving productivity, optimizing the number of personnel in accordance with established terms and conditions of crisis, the resolution of labor conflicts. A sound personnel policy allows you to direct personnel actions for the implementation of corporate strategy. It is doubly effective when all employees know and understand inherent in these basic principles and norms. The anti-recessionary HR-strategy will help take the business out of the deadlock in the event that it relates to the general economic situation in the country and the potential of the company. The specific content of the strategy depends on the size of the organization, activity, and timeliness of the plan. The anti-recessionary HR-strategy includes the following areas [21]: an analysis of the labor potential, a detailed analysis of staffing requirements, planning, population, traffic control personnel and staff turnover, performance monitoring, optimization of business processes, implementation of professional and creative capabilities of employees; performance evaluation ; development and implementation of rational systems of remuneration and incentive system. The planning period should be reviewed and agreed with the new goals and objectives of all areas of HR: recruiting, hiring and adaptation assessment methodology and assessment, training and development of tangible and intangible incentives (adapting to new conditions) and maximum use (or create if they still were not) external communication channels, etc. One of the main problems has fallen into a crisis situation of the company - lower costs, including staff. But we must not forget that to save the business in these difficult times people are just. If employees will not think about the performance of official duties, but about finding a new job, there will be a catastrophic decline in motivation. In this case, the cause of death of the company will not economic hardship, and inefficient management policies. During this period, it is particularly important to strengthen mutual understanding and interaction between different structural and functional departments. A typical blunder is insufficient information to people. Employees must know what is the essence of the anti-crisis program, why change the system of remuneration which measures will be taken in the near future and what is required of every person in the workplace. Timely information not only increases the confidence of staff to action management, but also facilitates the unpopular decisions. The leaders of the organization must inform employees about how the crisis affects the company, what are the risks and how employees can help - and your organization and yourself. HR manager should not forget that even in times of crisis, one of its main tasks is to maintain high-quality team of professionals. To do this, review the description of the primary and secondary business processes, detailed profiles of recycled posts and duties competently restructure the remaining staff. To do this, you should describe the goals and objectives for specific jobs, as well as their functionality. Then the unit supervisor and by the workers themselves will be able to change job responsibilities in a way that not only high quality to perform the required scope of work, but also improve efficiency and division of the company as a whole. In today's economy are the main resource of people, so it determines the competitiveness of human resources management business. References 1. Moiseenko N. Chistyakov Fokine T. T. Experience selection and training of professional crisis managers. Article: - Mode of access: vasilievaa.narod.ru/ptpu/19_1_99.htm 2. Personnel Service / / Wikipedia - free encyclopedia. 2011. wikipedia.org / wiki / Kadrovaya_sluzhba